JFW Portfolio

Hi, I’m Joshua

I help business plan and implement solutions.

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Explore insightful articles and analysis on various analytics topics, including Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Google Ads, and more. Dive deep into data-driven insights and strategies to optimize your digital presence.

  • In-depth articles on Google Analytics best practices
  • Analysis of advanced techniques in Adobe Analytics
  • Tips and strategies for optimizing Google Ads campaigns
  • Reviews of analytics tools and technologies
  • Trend analysis and industry updates
  • Expert perspectives and thought-provoking insights
Check out the Blog
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My Projects

Explore a variety of projects spanning analytics, mycology, automation, scraping, and more. From data-driven insights to creative endeavors, there’s a diverse range of projects waiting to be discovered. Some of the key areas include:

  • Analytics: Explore data-driven insights and strategies.
  • Mycology: Dive into the fascinating world of mushrooms and art.
  • Automation: Discover automated solutions to streamline processes.
  • Scraping: Learn about web scraping techniques and applications.
Explore Projects
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Explore My Experience

Check out my journey, accomplishments, and expertise accumulated throughout my career so far.

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