About Me

Hello, I'm Josh!

Welcome to my blog – a haven for my professional insights and personal interests. As an Analytics Manager and Implementations Engineer, I thrive in the realm of data, where numbers weave stories and strategies for businesses. My days are filled with analyzing trends, decoding metrics, and engineering solutions that streamline and empower decision-making processes.

But when the laptops close and the data sleeps, my fascination with the natural world takes over. Mycology, the study of fungi, is a particular passion of mine. It’s a field rich with mystery and importance, from the smallest mushroom in the forest to the intricate mycelial networks that thread life beneath our feet.

Here, I’ll share my thoughts on everything from the latest analytics methodologies to the complexity of mycology. Whether you’re here for the analytics mycology, or any other topic I hope you find something that piques your curiosity.